
A figure assesses its surroundings.

Charlie Bott
Jun 30, 2022
Photo courtesy of Rubén Bagüés cross on mountain (unsplash.com)

A beaten-down grassland emerges, completely
natural. A path created by other ambitious amblers
seeking adventure. A scrapheap in central view breaks
organic illusion for a moment. Detritus provides a
window to a never-ending reality. An absence of
plant life, a flat field, trees surround the outer
perimeter. Sway gently in the oh-so-freezing
wind. The sky is divided into three parts, darkness
invades a shimmer of blue. Sunbeams
and Moon-dreams. That’s the past
and present.
To the right, the far distance shines bright.
They call that, ‘light at the end of the tunnel.’


I never noticed it before.




Charlie Bott

A renaissance man - find within, my creative writing and opinion pieces - @charliebott22 on the tweet box